
Individual·$10.99/month;Family·$16.99/month·Addupto5familymembers(ages13+)inyourhousehold.;Student·$5.49/month·Eligiblestudentsonly.Annual ...,Anewmusicservicewithofficialalbums,singles,videos,remixes,liveperformancesandmoreforAndroid,iOSanddesktop.It'sallhere.,Anewmusicservicewithofficialalbums,singles,videos,remixes,liveperformancesandmoreforAndroid,iOSanddesktop.It'sallhere.,YouTubefamilypl...

YouTube Music Premium plan

Individual · $10.99/month ; Family · $16.99/month · Add up to 5 family members (ages 13+) in your household. ; Student · $5.49/month · Eligible students only. Annual ...

here to select the family plan membership

A new music service with official albums, singles, videos, remixes, live performances and more for Android, iOS and desktop. It's all here.

YouTube Music Premium family plan

A new music service with official albums, singles, videos, remixes, live performances and more for Android, iOS and desktop. It's all here.

Set up a YouTube family plan

YouTube family plans allow you to share membership benefits with up to 5 family members who live within the same residential address. The family manager:.

Set up & manage a YouTube family plan

Set up a YouTube family plan to become a family manager. As a family manager, you can share your YouTube Premium or YouTube Music Premium membership.

【YouTube Premium價格】家庭方案、個人、學生誰便宜?與 ...

因此,如果您只想在YouTube Music 上聽音樂,那麼YouTube Music Premium 就足夠了。但如果您也想在YouTube 上看影片,那麼YouTube Premium 會是更好的選擇。 下表簡單 ...